Private Dedicated Proxies have many uses ranging from anonymous web browsing to overcoming censorship. Private Proxies are also used for Game Botting, as well as Bypassing Region Locks for buying software/games at cheaper prices from other geo-regions. Proxies are even used to circumvent IP Bans for buying multiple items from stores that limit quantities for things like sneakers and Funko Pops. There are many other reasons to use dedicated proxies, let’s take a quick look at the best private dedicated proxies in 2023.
List of the Best Dedicated Private Proxies in 2023
Proxy-Seller – Cheapest Socks5 Dedicated Proxies: 15 Countries and 16 US Cities with the cheapest Dedicated Proxy plan for 10 dedicated proxies, quantities over 100 are average priced.
Rayobyte – The BEST Dedicated Proxies: Proxies in 27 Countries and 16 US Cities with cheap Dedicated Proxies Prices for small quantities, average prices for quantities over 100 proxies.
Squid Proxies – Cheapest Bulk Dedicated Proxies: 10 Countries and 12 US Cities with competitive prices for small packages along with the cheapest prices for bulk 1000+ dedicated proxies available.
MyPrivateProxy – 2nd MOST U.S. City Dedicated Proxies: Proxies in 13 Countries and 29 US Cities with decent pricing for 10 proxies along with the Cheapest Dedicated Proxies for quantities of 100.
SSLPrivateProxy – The MOST Dedicated Proxy U.S. City Locations: 7 Countries and 33 US Cities to choose from along with decent pricing for both small and large proxy quantities.
High Proxies – The CHEAPEST Dedicated Proxies: Proxies in 22 Countries and 11 US Cities with some very competitive prices for Dedicated Proxies of small and large quantities.
YourPrivateProxy – Good Dedicated Proxies that Support SOCKS5 Protocol: 5 Countries and 24 US Cities with decent pricing for small and large quantities of dedicated proxies.
Proxy-n-VPN – Best Dedicated Proxy and VPN Provider: Proxies in 17 Countries and 27 US Cities with competitive prices for both small and large quantities of proxies.
- – Good Overall Proxies with Competitive Prices: 3 Countries and 7 US Cities to choose from very competitive prices for small quantities of dedicated proxies, decent pricing on larger packages.
Storm Proxies – Highly Competitive U.S. Only Proxies: Proxies from 3 US Cities with highly competitive pricing for plans with both small and large amounts of proxies.
If you’re unsure about dedicated private proxies, let’s take a broader look at proxies as a whole. There’s a chance you may learn something new about proxies and you may even discover that dedicated private proxies aren’t actually what you need.
What, exactly, is a Proxy?
A Proxy is another computer somewhere else that your internet requests are routed through as an intermediary, like a middle-man. When using a proxy, any web servers you communicate with will actually be communicating with your middle-man proxy and not directly with your computer. That is how a proxy effectively changes your IP address to the outside world as the only IP address the world sees is the IP of your proxy server.
Private Proxies vs. Open Proxies
There are two main categories of proxies – Public Proxies and Private Proxies. Public proxies are not locked with a password or by IP address, so they are effectively open to the world to use for free – for these reasons, they are also called “Open Proxies.” Private proxies, on the other hand, are username and password protected or can only be used by specific IP addresses.
- Fast – Private Proxies run on better hardware/connections than Open Proxies and are usually faster.
- Stable – Private Proxies are abused far less than Open Proxies and generally work far longer.
- Safe – Private Proxies are far safer than Open Proxies that might be operated by shady people.
- Consistent – Private Proxies usually have the same performance no matter when they are used.
- Free – Public Open Proxies may not cost money, but they do cost your privacy since shady operators can capture all your traffic.
Dedicated vs. Shared Proxies
Within the category of private proxies, there are also two sub-categories of proxies – shared proxies and dedicated proxies. Shared proxies are private proxies used by more than one user at a time. Sometimes shared proxies are referred to as “Semi-Dedicated Proxies.” Dedicated Proxies, however, are only used by one person at a time and are usually the best type of proxy..
- Exclusivity – Dedicated Proxies are dedicated to one user and not shared by multiple at a time.
- Speed – Dedicated Proxies are faster than Shared because they’re not used by multiple users simultaneously.
- Longevity – Since Dedicated Proxies aren’t used by multiple people at a time, they last longer.
- Private – Less risk of bans on websites because of what other users are doing with the IP address.
- Price – Shared Proxies are usually half the price of Dedicated Proxies since they are used by multiple customers.
Rotating vs. Dedicated Proxies
Another newer type of proxies sold online is rotating proxies – proxies that change their associated IP address every so often, also called “backconnect” Proxies. Rotating proxies are sold differently than shared or dedicated proxies and usually have a larger pool of IP addresses and are instead limited by how many connections can be made at a time (unmetered) or by how much bandwidth is used (metered).
- Stability – Dedicated Proxy IP addresses are consistent and can be used for long amounts of time.
- Rotating IPs – IP addresses change every connection or on timed intervals of 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
- IP Diversity – Rotating Proxies have a large pool of rotating IP addresses instead of a set amount.
Thorough Review of the Best Dedicated Proxies in 2023
Here is an expanded list of all the Best Dedicated Proxy Providers listed on GetFastProxy. Some of these private proxy providers offer their proxies in different quantities from each other, and some also charge less per proxy when a larger quantity is purchased. And some of these proxies are good for webscraping, and some are better for SEO and social media. Therefore, to find the best proxies for your need, it’s crucial to read carefully while comparing proxy features.
- <br /> <h4>Rayobyte - The BEST Dedicated Proxies</h4> <p>
Rayobyte has been online since 2015 providing the best dedicated proxies, however, they were originally known as Blazing SEO LLC.
Rayobyte Dedicated Proxy Features
- 27 Countries
- 16 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols
- IP and User:Pass Authorization
- HTTP, HTTP(S), and SOCKS protocol
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy threads
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- Automatic 30-day replacement option
- Instant individual proxy replacements
- SLA – Service Level Agreement
- Free Trial
Rayobyte were traditionally marketed for Web Scraping and SEO back when the company was still named Blazing SEO, but their dedicated private proxies are some of the best proxies for online Gaming and Social Media account management as well. Rayobyte service includes a user control panel to manage your proxies, set IP authorizations, switch out blocked proxies, and enable automatic 30 day replacement of all proxies in the plan.
Dedicated Private Proxies plans are available in plans from 5 to 5000+ proxies and are spread across multiple subnets and ASNs. This kind of dedicated proxy IP diversity means that if one proxy gets blocked by a website, it won’t result in your other proxies being automatically blocked.
Rayobyte Dedicated Proxies start at $2.50/proxy for United States proxies and can get as low as $1.88/proxy when more are purchased. Prices may be higher or lower for proxies in other countries.
- <br /> <h4>High Proxies - The CHEAPEST Dedicated Proxies</h4> <p>
High Proxies has been up in it’s current form since 2016 selling dedicated proxies
High Proxies Dedicated Proxy Features
- 22 Countries
- 11 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Addresses
- User – Password and IP Authentication
- HTTP/HTTPS Dedicated Proxies
- 100 Concurrent Threads per Proxy
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- Monthly Proxy IP Randomize
- SLA – Service Level Agreement
- 3 Days Money Back Guarantee
High Proxies offers some of the best dedicated proxies for SEO and Scraping, but they also offer Social Media, Classified Ad, and Sneaker shopping proxies. High Proxies provides instant proxy setup and a user control panel to set authorization IP addresses and refresh proxies.
Dedicated Private Proxies plans from High Proxies can be bought in packages of 1 to 1000 and include High-Anonymous proxy IP addresses from multiple subnets.
High Proxies prices begin at $2.30 per proxy for Dedicated Private Proxies and go as cheap as $1.40 per proxy if larger amounts are purchased.
- <br /> <h4> - Good Overall Proxies with SLA, Money-Back Guarantee, and Competitive Prices.</h4> <p> is a fairly new provider of some of the best dedicated proxies, having only been around since 2017. Dedicated Proxy Features
- 3 Countries
- 7 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Protocol
- IP and User Password Authorization
- HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Support
- 100 Threads per Dedicated Proxy
- Unlimited Proxy Bandwidth
- Free Monthly Proxy Refresh/Randomize
- SLA – Service Level Agreement
- 3 Days Money Back Guarantee
IPLease mainly focuses on dedicated SEO Proxies and virgin IP Social Media proxies, but they also offer shopping and classifid ad proxies, as well as Gaming proxies for Pokemon GO, Clash of Clans, Conquer Online, and Diablo. Proxies from IPLease can be managed from the dashboard control panel once purchased and logged into the website, bad proxies can be replaced by the user on demand.
Dedicated Private Proxies from are sold in packages of 1 to 1000 and feature High-Anonymous anonymity with all headers disabled. SMTP (port 25), Torrents, and Xrumer are all strictly prohibited. Dedicated Private Proxy prices start at $2.58/proxy and get as low as $1.53/proxy when purchased in higher amounts.
- <br /> <h4>MyPrivateProxy - The 2nd MOST U.S. City Dedicated Proxies</h4> <p>
MyPrivateProxy has been providing dedicated proxies on the internet since 2011.
MyPrivateProxy Dedicated Proxy Features
- 13 Countries
- 29 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Protocol Support
- 10x IP Authorization and User/Pass
- HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Protocols
- Up to 100 threads/proxy
- No restrictions on Bandwidth
- Proxies replaced monthly at request
- 3 Days Money Back Guarantee
MyPrivateProxy offers dedicated proxies for general use, but also Pokemon Go proxies, Sneaker shopping proxies, as well as Ticketing proxies for use with StubHub and Ticketmaster.
Dedicated Private Proxy plans from MyPrivateProxy are from 1 proxy to 2000+ proxy plans. MyPrivateProxy dedicated proxy plans include IP addresses from multiple subnets when purchased in packages of more than a single proxy.
MyPrivateProxy dedicated private proxy plans range in price from $2.49 per proxy to $1.14 per proxy on the bigger quantity packages.
- <br /> <h4>Proxy-n-VPN - Best Dedicated Proxy and VPN Provider</h4> <p>
Proxy-n-VPN have been providing proxy users with dedicated proxies since 2013.
Proxy-n-VPN Dedicated Proxy Features
- 17 Countries
- 27 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Addresses
- Supports HTTP/HTTPS Proxies
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Monthly Proxy IP Randomize
- 3 Days Money Back Guarantee
- Non Sequential IPs
Proxy-n-VPN offers Private Dedicated Proxies as well as proxies for Ticketing, Social Media, Shopping, Classified Ad posting, and Online Gaming. Proxies can be managed in a control panel to refresh proxies and set authorization info.
Dedicated private proxies can be bought from Proxy-n-VPN in plans of 1 to 1000, and Proxy-n-VPN dedicated proxies are issued from multiple subnets and without sequential IP addresses.
Proxy-n-VPN private dedicated private proxies start at $2.58 for a single proxy and end up at $1.53 per proxy for 1000 dedicated private proxies.
- Proxy-N-VPN Promo Code – 10% Recurring Discount on Proxies and VPNs!
- Proxy-N-VPN Promo Code – 15% Discount on Shared/Dedicated Proxies and VPNs!
- Proxy-N-VPN Promo Code – 15% Recurring Discount on Proxies and Private VPNs
- Proxy-N-VPN Promo Code – 15% Recurring Discount on Shared, Dedicated, and Gaming Proxies
- <br /> <h4>Proxy-Seller - Cheapest SOCKS5 Dedicated Proxies</h4> <p>
Proxy-Seller has been serving customers dedicated proxies in its current form since 2018.
Proxy-Seller Dedicated Proxy Features
- 15 Countries
- 16 U.S. Cities
- IPv6 and IPv4 Sold Separately
- Username & Password and Static IP Authorization
- HTTP(S) and Socks5 Protocols Support
- Unlimited Threads/Proxy
- Infinite Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- Proxy IP Monthly Refresh by Request
- 300+ Subnets
- 24 Hour Refund Policy
Proxy-Seller focuses their dedicated proxies to be best suited for a few Social Media sites and Gaming, but they also offer dedicated sneaker proxies, as well as ISP and Mobile Proxies. Customers have access to an advanced proxy control panel as well as an API for advanced proxy use.
Dedicated Private Proxies from Proxy-Seller can be bought as a single proxy or in groups as large as 750 with as many subnets included as possible.
Proxy-Seller dedicated private proxies in the U.S. start at $2.14/proxy and end up $1.93/proxy if the largest dedicated private proxy package is bought. Dedicated Proxy prices may be lower or higher for other proxy country locations.
- <br /> <h4>Squid Proxies - Cheapest Bulk Dedicated Proxies</h4> <p>
Squid Proxies started selling dedicated proxies way back in 2010.
Squid Proxies Dedicated Proxy Features
- 10 Countries
- 12 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Address Protocols
- 10x IP Address Authorization
- HTTP/HTTPS Proxy protocol
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- 30-day Proxy Refresh Optional
- 7 Day Money-Back Guarentee
Squid Proxies’ service is focused on Social Media account creation for marketing and they have some of the best dedicated proxies for SEO and backlinking.
Dedicated Private Proxies from Squid Proxies are sold in packages of 10 to 1000+ and include multiple subnets.
Squid Proxies prices for dedicated private proxies start at $2.40 a proxy and get as cheap as $.91 a proxy on the largest package.
- <br /> <h4>SSLPrivateProxy - The MOST Dedicated Proxy U.S. City Locations</h4> <p>
SSLPrivateProxy was up and selling dedicated proxies as far back as 2012.
SSLPrivateProxy Dedicated Proxy Features
- 7 Countries
- 33 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols
- IP and User:Pass Authorization
- Support HTTP and HTTPS protocol
- 100 Threads per Proxy Limit
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- Automatic 30-day replacement option
- SLA – Service Level Agreement
- 7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
SSLPrivateProxy offers dedicated proxies for general use, SEO, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. They also offer other specialized dedicated proxies for more social media services, gaming, ticket buying, classified ad posting, and sneaker shopping, as well as shared proxies and VPNs.
Dedicated Private Proxy plans from SSLPrivateProxy can be as few as 5 proxies, or as many as 1000 dedicated private proxies. Plans include a mix of subnets for IP diversity, the larger plans include more subnets.
SSLPrivateProxy Dedicated Private Proxies start at $3/proxy but can get as cheap as $1.75/proxy if bought in higher quantities. They can be even cheaper by taking advantage of one of the SSLPrivateProxy promo codes listed below!
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 20% Recurring Discount on Sneaker Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 20% Recurring Discount on Social Media Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 20% Recurring Discount on Ticketing Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 25% Recurring Discount
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 25% Recurring Discount on Pokémon GO Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 25% Recurring Discount on Social Media Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 30% Recurring Discount on Proxies
- SSL Private Proxy Promo Code – 30% Recurring Discount on Sneaker Proxies
- SSLPrivateProxy Promo Code – 30% Recurring Discount on Classified Ad Proxies for Black Friday (Expired)
- <br /> <h4>Storm Proxies - Highly Competitive U.S. Only Proxies</h4> <p>
Storm Proxies has been online and serving cheap dedicated proxies since 2015.
Storm Proxies Dedicated Proxy Features
- United States Proxies
- 3 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Protocol
- IP & User/Pass Authorization
- HTTP and HTTP(S) Protocol
- 100 Threads per Proxy Limit
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- 24 Hour Refund Policy
Storm Proxies started off providing some of the best dedicated proxies for SEO and Backlinking, but they’ve expanded to also providing Social Media, Ticketing, Classifieds, Gaming, and Sneaker proxies.
Dedicated Private Proxies from Storm Proxies can be bought in packages of 5 to 400 private proxies and include multiple IP classes and subnets.
Storm Proxies prices for Dedicated Private Proxies start at $2 a proxy and end up at $1.40 a proxy on the bigger plans. There is a Storm Proxies promo code below to get 5% off which will make them a bit cheaper, but not much..
- <br /> <h4>YourPrivateProxy - Good Dedicated Proxies that Support SOCKS5 Protocol</h4> <p>
YourPrivateProxy has been around since 2009 and only offers Dedicated proxies in packages that include multiple proxy city locations, multiple subnet IP addresses, and an easy 5-minute setup.
YourPrivateProxy Dedicated Proxy Features
- 5 Countries
- 24 U.S. Cities
- IPv4 IP Protocols
- IP and User:Pass Authorization
- HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS5 protocol
- 20 Threads per Proxy Limit
- Unlimited Dedicated Proxy Bandwidth
- 30-day Proxy Refresh option
- 1 On-Demand Proxy Replacement a Month
- 24 Hour Free Trial
YourPrivateProxy offers dedicated proxies for classified ads, online social media, gaming, ticketing proxies, and web scraping. They also sell Static Residential (ISP) Proxies as well as Rotating Residential and Sneaker proxies.
Dedicated Private Proxies can be bought from YourPrivateProxy in quantities of 5 to 400 datacenter proxies and can be used by up to 5 devices simultaneously.
YourPrivateProxy prices start at $6.97/proxy and only get as cheap as $1.99/proxy on the larger plans, making them some of the most expensive dedicated private proxies. However, there is a 50% Off promo code listed below that brings the prices down to the standard pricing of most dedicated proxies!
Dedicated Private Proxy Provider Comparison Table
Click column Headers to sort numerically.
Providers | Countries | US Cities | 10 Proxies | 100 Proxies |
Rayobyte | 27 | 16 | $25 | $213 |
High Proxies | 22 | 11 | $19.80 | $151 |
IPLease | 3 | 7 | $24.90 | $184.80 |
My Private Proxy | 13 | 29 | $23.70 | $165 |
Proxy -n- VPN | 17 | 27 | $24.90 | $184.80 |
Proxy Seller | 15 | 16 | $20.76 | $181.90 |
Squid Proxies | 10 | 12 | $24 | $160 |
SSL Private Proxy | 7 | 33 | $29 | $225 |
Storm Proxies | 1 | 3 | $20 | $160 |
Your Private Proxy | 5 | 24 | $29.97 | $199.97 |
Reasons to Use Dedicated Proxies
There are many reasons to use Dedicated Proxies, and some are unique to an individual’s needs. However, there are many common reasons that people use dedicated proxies on a day-to-day basis. Let’s take a quick look at the most popular reasons dedicated proxies are employed.
Dedicated Proxies for Security
Some corporate servers require employees to be authenticated by IP address before connecting, but most residential internet providers give their customers a dynamic IP address that can change at any time – to solve this problem people will use a dedicated proxy that’s always the same IP even if their own residential IP has been changed by their internet ISP. Some people, whether just paranoic or not, like to route all their web traffic through proxies to keep their traffic encrypted and avoid revealing their real IP address to websites and other computers on the web.
Dedicated Proxies for Gaming
Many people around the world can’t play some of their favorite online games because their country of residence is blocked, therefore a dedicated proxy allows them to play without being blocked because of their IP address. Some people have unstable internet connections that get them disconnected from games frequently. By using a proxy the game server stays connected because even if your home internet connection drops, the proxy server connected to the game server remains live.
Dedicated Proxies for SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialists use dedicated proxies in many ways. The most common use is “Competitor Page Analysis” which is done by crawling/indexing competitor websites to perform SEO tag, backlink, and keyword analysis. Another way SEO Specialists use dedicated proxies is for Search Engine Ranking Placement (SERP) analysis, which is basically using a tool to scrape results of search engine results to see where a certain website ranks for specific keywords. A less common SEO use for dedicated proxies is automatic blog/forum commenting to gain backlinks, but this has fallen out of practice in recent years.
Dedicated Proxies for Brand Protection
Another more obscure use for dedicated proxies is “Brand Protection”, which is the act of scouring the web for copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property infringements. In a nutshell, this basically means running a bot that checks competitor stores and search engine results for stolen content that is copyright protected. This also includes the finding and monitoring of counterfeit/bootleg products that may hurt a legitimate brand’s reputation and prices.
How to Use Dedicated Proxies
There are many ways to use a proxy depending on the needs of the user, some are fairly easy and others can be a bit more technical. Here’s a quick look at all the different ways to effectively use dedicated proxies.
Use Dedicated Proxies in your Browser
The simplest and most common way to use a dedicated proxy is by setting your web browser to use the proxy in the browser’s settings. All major web browsers including Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge, IE, and Opera can be directed to use the proxy specified in the settings for all outgoing connections. If users want their browser to use multiple proxies at once, there are extensions/add-ons for Chrome and Firefox that can switch between proxies on the fly.
Use Dedicated Proxies with Proprietary Software
Most software that is designed with the use of proxies in mind usually has their own proxy manager built-in to the software. Usually the software has a text input area where a list of proxies can be entered in “IP:Port:username:password” format, one per line. If the software doesn’t support the “username:port” being included in the proxy “IP:port” lines, then the user will have to make sure their proxy providers has IP authentication enabled. IP authentication allows proxies to be used freely by a specific IP address without needing a username and password to be provided.
Use Dedicated Proxies with a Proxifier
For software not designed with native proxy support, or software that has sub-par proxy handling, a “proxifier” may be needed. A proxifier is a general term for software program that routes traffic of specific software running through proxies. Proxifier is also the name of one of the main “proxifiers”, along with ProxyCap, Super Network Tunnel, Proxy Switcher Pro, and Postern. Learn more about proxifiers.
Use Dedicated Proxies via API
The last and most technologically complicated way to use proxies is through the proxy providers’ API. In simple terms, an API is basically a way for proxy users to utilize their dedicated proxies by means of code in their own custom software by using GET, CURL, and even PHP, .NET, C#, and Python. If you plan on writing custom scripts or software to use your proxies, make sure your potential proxy provider has an API with the features you will require.
How to Choose the Best Dedicated Proxies
Picking the best dedicated proxies is easy, just choose one of the providers listed here on GetFastProxy! Duh! Just kidding – you may be scoping out dedicated proxy providers not listed here because they offer a specific location or feature you need that isn’t widely offered by all proxy providers, and that’s okay! Here’s some tips to keep in mind when shopping around for dedicated proxies.
Check the Proxy Provider’s FAQ and Knowledgebase
Deciated Proxy Providers don’t always list all of their proxy features, and restrictions, on their sales and marketing pages. Usually this is because of SEO and aesthetic reasons. To get a good feel of exactly what a dedicated proxy provider gears their proxy use towards, go check out their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and Knowledebase directories. The FAQ page will usually give you a good idea of what kind of services a provider guarantees their proxies to work for, along with any restrictions such as disallowed software, websites, and ports. The Knowledgebase directory will have detailed instructions on how to use their proxies most effectively.
Contact before Making a Purchase
If your unsure about a proxy provider being a good match for your dedicated proxy needs, then shoot them an email or use their website’s chat if they have one! Most proxy providers can readily tell you if their dedicated proxy services work with your intended websites, software, games, and amount of proxies needed. They’d rather tell you no than sell you a service that you won’t be happy with, so just ask!
Look for Free Proxy Trials
Many off the best dedicated proxy providers offer a free trial so users can evaluate proxies for their intended use before committing to a purchase. Most of the dedicated proxy trials will be for a day or two, which should be enough time to test out whether the proxies function for your needs.
Keep Money-Back Guarantees in Mind
Most of the proxy providers on the web offer a money-back guarantee on their dedicated proxy services. They usually offer to give your money back within a set amount of days if their proxies don’t meet your demands. However, most of the proxy providers list the details of their money-back guarantees deep in their knowledgebase or FAQ page! Good thing we’ve already made a habit of checking out the FAQ and knowledgebase, right? ?
Frequently Asked Questions about Dedicated Proxies
What’s the difference between Private Proxies and Dedicated Proxies?
The term seems to be interchangeable if looking around on the web, but they technically aren’t. Private Proxies are proxies that are IP Locked or username/password protected instead of being open to the public without any kind of authenticaion. Dedicated Proxies are private proxies that are usable only by one person or customer at a time. Shared Proxies are technically Private Proxies as well since they’re not Open/Public Proxies. However, many newer proxy websites didn’t understand the nuanced terms and started erroneously referring to Dedicated Proxies as Private Proxies.
What’s the difference between Shared and Dedicated Proxies?
Shared Proxies are used by multiple customers at a time, while Dedicated Proxies are only used by a single customer for the duration of their service.
Are Proxies Illegal?
No, Proxies are not illegal in the United States. Proxies are just computers on the internet that allow traffic to be routed through them. In 2009 U.S. Legislators tried to make the use of a proxy server while committing a crime an additional/upgraded charge, but it did not pass. In other countries using a proxy to bypass geo-locked and censored content may in fact be illegal, make sure to research before using..
What are Socks5 and Socks4 Proxies?
Socks proxies are similar to HTTP/HTTPS proxies, but they use different types of encryption/tunneling protocols. Socks4 and Socks5 proxies can be Shared or Dedicated proxies. Learn more about Socks4/5 Proxies here.
What’s the Difference between Residential and Datacenter Proxies?
Datacenter proxies have IP addresses from IP Blocks registered to a major datacenter. Residential Proxies have an IP address to a residential ISP or a mobile data provider and therefore look more natural like a real or regular user, not a proxy. Learn more about the differences between datacenter and residential proxies.
Do Dedicated Residential Proxies exist?
Yes, Dedicated Residential IP Proxies exist, but they are called “Static Residential Proxies”. Learn more about Residential Proxies.
Do Proxy Providers replace Bad Proxies?
Yes, but usually on a limited amount or only once a month. Proxies don’t “go bad”, they get blocked. If a proxy is blocked, then that means the user did something to get the proxy blocked by the target server. Because of this, most proxy providers will only replace a few IP addresses per month, usually via support contact or the proxy dashboard panel if one exists.