Proxy Fish Features:
- High Speed Performance
High Performance Proxies with great speeds and low pings! Connectivity all around the world with great uptime! - Private Proxies Only!
ProxyFish only sells Private & Elite anonymous proxies. This means the proxies you get are reserved and used by you and you only! - Great Support
ProxyFish offers great support and helps their customers when they need it. ProxyFish does their best to make sure customer satisfaction is met every time. - All Devices, All Activities!
Online gaming, streaming your favorite movies, watching your favorite content from a private connection from all devices (even mobile) is what ProxyFish specializes in! - Connect all your devices at the same time!
When you buy proxies from ProxyFish, you can use them concurrently among your devices, including mobile! You can be protected from prying eyes on all your favorite devices and doing your favorite activities like streaming and online gaming! - No Usage Logs, We Respect Your Privacy!
We never log or record any activity you do using our proxies. We believe wholeheartedly in keeping our customers’ information safe and private.
Proxy Fish offers Dedicated Proxies.
Proxy Fish Coupon/Promo Codes:
Proxy Fish Additional Information
Authorization | IP, User/Password |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
City Count | 14 |
Control Panel | Yes |
Proxy Countries | Canada, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States |
Country Count | 5 |
Elite/High-Anonymous | Yes |
Proxy Exclusivity | Dedicated |
Free Trial | Free Proxies |
Internet Protocol | IPv4 |
IP Type | Datacenter |
Logs Kept | No |
Money-Back Guarantee | None |
Monthly Refresh | Yes |
Payments | Bitcoin, Credit Cards, Paypal |
Proxy Protocol | Https, Socks5 |
Proxy Speed | unstated |
Strictly Prohibited | Conquer Online, IMAP, POP3, Scrapebox, SMTP (port 25), Torrents, Xrumer |
Subnets | Multiple |
Support | Chat, Email, Phone, Tickets |
Support Hours | 24/7 |
Supported Services | Hulu, Netflix, Proxifier, Skype |
Supported Websites | Craigslist, Facebook, RuneScape, Twitch, YouTube |
U.S. Cities | Boston (MA), Detroit (MI), Las Vegas (NV), New York City (NY), Philadelphia (PA), Phoenix (AZ), San Jose (CA), Seattle (WA), Washington D.C. |
Uptime | 99.00% |
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